An attorney asks his client, “You want my honest opinion? The customer replies: “Not really, I rather have your professional opinion…” There is a grain of truth behind every joke. It’s no secret that prestige is a key concept in the world of Law. The reputation of a lawyer influences the type of customers who approach him, his exposure to the media, and of course – his fees
Most lawyers believe their CV must list important career milestones. They flaunt and brag about achievements on the company website, blog, social networks, and so forth
Do clients care for such achievements when looking for their lawyer? Sometimes details perceived interesting and eye-catching by a lawyer may be considerably less relevant in the eyes of a customer
Lawyers put a lot of weight on their education, place of internship (with a Judge or a famous law firm), articles published in legal journals, rating guides, etc. However, what the clients care about is an attorney’s ability to win their case, and sometimes, their interpersonal skills
Based on feedback from clients of different firms, it became clear that many prospective clients need information not normally found in a lawyer’s CV. They seek answers to the following questions
A) How much experience does this lawyer have in cases relevant to my case? Any major cases handled, including brief details for each case. It’s important to cite cases that went public, if any
B) In what areas of practice is this lawyer excellent? Specify your expertise! Clients know you cannot be expert in all areas. Highlight where you are the best, situations where the customer should contact you, and only you, without a second thought
C) What do previous clients think of you, and the level of service you provide? Use of testimonials from satisfied customers is hardly an acceptable method. Instead, describe the Code of Ethics of your firm, mention how you treat a customer. Even if these seem banal details, it’s worth mentioning them
Our conclusion is simple: adjust your message to the desired audience
This does not mean you should totally omit key details – education, specialization, publications, rankings – this information is valuable. But help the client decide which partner to take from your firm, make the distinctions crystal clear between different members of your team. When you produce a biography or resume, we recommend highlighting the aspects most critical to today’s audience
Bottom line – Adjustments. For example, for the purpose of the website or seminar with colleagues, do highlight the professional information – titles, big names, achievements
However, if the intention is to recruit new customers emphasize the latter type of information, bringing your true self into the profile of the firm and your website
P.S. – and a little tip to the lawyers that have not yet internalized the basics – your email and number should not be an enigma within a web site. Publish it in a dignified place