
Robus is the leading consulting, marketing, and business development company in the legal and accounting sectors in Israel.
We are a one-stop shop for law and accounting firms seeking marketing, branding, business development, merger, financial consulting, and strategic consulting services.
In recent years, we have stood by hundreds of law firms at key points in their evolution:

unique branding processes

restructurings and a wide variety of business, managerial and marketing challenges

mergers and purchasing activity

We accompany merger processes
and purchasing activity.

We implemented reorganization procedures and advised a broad request of business, managerial and marketing challenges.

We accompanied processes
Unique branding.
Our main advantage is that our team is made up of a wide range of people, most of whom are lawyers themselves,
So that on the one hand, they deeply understand the legal language and the DNA of law firms, and
On the other hand, have a variety of valuable specialties in the field of marketing, business development, mergers, and finance.

Our Ecosystem
As part of our growth and entrepreneurship strategy, we are actively involved in many processes and initiatives that are underway in the legal sector. We work with representatives of leading legal corporations, organizations, and firms in Israel and abroad, as well as with business and semi-legal organizations, public relations firms, legal tech companies, and more.

Israeli Legal Marketing Association (ILMA)
Robus founded the Israeli Legal Marketing Association (ILMA) to promote the field of legal marketing in Israel and serve as a source of professional know-how for business development and marketing managers. ILMA facilitates collaborations between firms and creates a platform for brainstorming and sharing ideas through annual conferences, seminars, professional workshops, newsletters, and more.

Over the past decade, one of our goals has been to promote the field of legal marketing and business development in Israel by producing professional conferences and events, some of which are considered groundbreaking on an international scale. These include the Annual International Arbitration Conference, the Israel LegalTech conference, the International Legal Marketing Seminar, and more.