Accounting Department

Accounting firms are beginning to realize that the way to the heart of the modern client is through the internet

Traditional marketing methods include word of mouth, networking, and more, but they are no longer the only ways of obtaining the competitive advantage and growth needed for modern accounting firms. The traditional methods have been replaced by the internet, social media, and much more.

The ongoing decline in attorney fees and the difficulty in recruiting clients due to fierce competition, combined with the rise in employee salaries, are eroding the profitability of accounting firms and the entire industry. As a result, accounting firms have had to make adjustments to retain their clients, brand their firms, maintain their prestige, and keep reinventing themselves in a sophisticated and competitive market.

Robus has played a central role in the trends and developments in the legal market in Israel in the past years, and made the strategic decision to establish a unique department that is the first of its kind in Israel. The department is dedicated exclusively to providing consultations, marketing, branding, and business development services for accounting firms, while supporting and overseeing mergers between accounting firms.

The department was established nearly a decade ago and is the largest practice in Israel for business development, marketing, and consultations for Israeli and foreign firms alike. The main challenge is to analyze each client and highlight the relative advantages that can differentiate the firm and make it stand out over its competitors.

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