The prestigious legal magazine of The American Lawyer (May 2014), included a unique special section, covering the State of Israel
This four pages article (written by Mr. Howard Stock) covered Israeli changes in the activity of prominent law firms, among others – in light the fact that foreign law firms are entering Israel
The article called Israel Bounces Back, stating that After a Rocky 2013, Israel’s vibrant tech industries and new domestic energy sources have put it back on track
The article is a must-read for foreign law firms thinking about entering the Israeli energetic legal practice, and for Israeli law firms wishing to ‘taste the water’ here in Israel, through US eyes
Among the leading attorneys who were interviews – Adv. Chaim Friedland (Gornitzky & Co.), Adv. Alan Sacks and Adv. Gil White (Herzog Fox Neeman) and others
For the full article can be viewed in The Americal Lawyer website here (section #1) and here (section #2). Enjoy