An interesting article from “The Lawyer” in London in which our office took part in, elaborating about the Israeli legal sector opening up for foreign attorneys
Recommended for Israeli and foreign attorneys alike. Link:
Quote from our office
The IBA, a conservative organisation, was nonplussed. The potential competition for domestic firms meant the plans were dangerous
“At first the IBA was very much against it,” explains Zohar Fisher, founder of law firm consultant Robus, who is advising close to 20 foreign firms that are either applying for licences to practise law in Israel or are considering doing so, including three UK firms and a smattering from Germany, Italy and Portugal. “The Ministry of Justice explained that the regulation was going to pass – it offered the IBA [the option] that it should pass, but not without them – as it was going to pass anyway. About a year ago the IBA agreed that the legislation was acceptable only if the IBA was involved in approving foreign attorneys”
כתבה מעניינת ממגזין בריטי רב תפוצה, העוסקת בפתיחת שוק עורכי הדין בישראל למשרדים זרים. כתבה בה משרדנו לקח חלק ואף העמיד את ניסיונו והיכרותו עם שוק עורכי הדין בארץ ובחו”ל לטובת הכתב. מומלץ לקריאה