Who’s Got What? – A Comparison/Review of Practice Areas Ranked by Chambers & Partners, Legal 500, and Dun’s 100

Practice Area Chambers & Partners Legal 500 Dun’s 100
Administrative Law V
Banking & Finance V V
Capital Markets V V V
Capital Markets: Debt V
Capital Markets: Equity V
Class Actions V
Commercial Litigation V
Cooperative Societies V
Corporate/M&A V V V
Criminal Law V
Defamation Law V
Dispute Resolution V V
Employment V V V
Environmental Law V
Family Law V
Healthcare and Life Sciences V
Hi-tech and Start-ups V V
Higher Education V
Hotels V
Infrastructure Projects V
Investment Funds V V
Intellectual Property V V V
Intellectual Property: Patent & Trade Mark Agents V
Insurance V
International Trade V
Local Authorities V
Municipal Taxation V
Planning and Construction V (Real Estate: Zoning & Planning) V V
Private Equity V
Private Clients V
Projects & Energy V V V
Projects & Energy: Oil & Gas V
Real Estate V V V
Restructuring/Insolvency V V V
Shipping V V (Maritime Law)
Tax V V V
Telecoms and Media V V
Torts & Medical Malpractice V
Transport V
Urban Renewal V
Venture Capital V
White Collar V

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