Robus on foreign media: Israel reaching new heights / article on Legal ‎Business, April 2013‎

The well known Legal Business magazine published in the issue of April 2013 a full issue and in-depth analysis and research of the Israeli legal sector, and it’s changes due to entrance of foreign law firms

Robus was happy to assist in this significant article dealing with Israel, and was happy to open the article by mentioning our activity with regard to the foreign law firms’ conference. The article starts by

In a Tel Aviv conference in June this year, DLA Piper, White & Case, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer and Weil, Gotshal & Manges will rub shoulders with Israel’s legal elite in discussing the liberalisation and internationalisation of the country’s legal market

The conference, hosted by the Tel Aviv District Israel Bar Association and legal marketing and consulting company Robus, highlights the growing presence of international law firms in Israel. And while this may bear all the hallmarks of another instance of empire building by international advisers, the reality is actually a little more nuanced

 This interesting article reviews Israel’s top ten Legal Advisers by value on Israeli M&A and in addition, top ten Israeli M&A transactions in 2012

The full article can be viewed here

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Social media has infiltrated both the personal and professional aspects of the lives of many. Whether it’s a post about your weekend getaway or updates to your LinkedIn about your new job – we are constantly putting our lives on social media.

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