Designing a PR website

Your website is the face of your company!

Your company’s website is the first thing that potential clients will see. Their first impression of your company is not in the lobby of your office building, in the courtroom, or in the hallway – it’s online.

Your website is the place where potential clients cross-examine you mercilessly as they search for the right firm to represent them. That means that your website must reflect exactly what makes your firm unique, what its values are, and what services it offers.

In addition to attracting new clients, your website is the perfect place to keep your existing clients up-to-date on developments at your firm, hire new employees, and brand yourself as an employer.

While creating a website may sound simple, you’ll be surprised to discover that there is nothing more challenging than writing about yourself. Legal and accounting firms that made the wise decision to invest in a high-quality, professionally-designed website have postured themselves as leading, professional, innovative, and client-oriented ones, and succeed at convincing potential clients that their firm is the best and most prestigious choice.

Sometimes all you need is the professional perspective of someone outside your firm

Robus works with dozens of legal and accounting firms and helps them create and design their websites. With our legal experience and our familiarity with innovative interfaces such as Wix, WordPress, and Elementor, we can design a prestigious, unique, professional website for your firm that will make you stand out so that potential clients will know exactly why they should choose you over your competitors.

We’ll guide you through the entire process. We’ll brainstorm together to find the best ideas, create professional, marketing-style content, and design and launch the website. We’ll also be available after your website is up and running to make sure everything is working well and to make modifications as needed.