Israeli legal market opens to foreign law firms – ‘international business development’ update

The new legislation allowing foreign lawyers to operate in Israel continues to raise awareness

The international blog of- “International business Development” (Link), by John Grimley, published a new article which deals with this issue, and cited Robus’ article of ‘Foreign lawyers are permitted to operate in Israel’ which was published this year

The new article deals with Israel’s new legislation, the Israeli legal sector, the Israeli economy, concerns about legal market liberalization, and finally, tries to answer the question- how both Israeli and overseas law firms can benefit

The full article can be viewed here. We wish to thank Mr. John Grimley for citing our article and enhancing the knowledge about this new development

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בפוסט האורח בבלוג משרדנו, אנו שמחים וגאים לארח את הגב’ מרגרט גריזלדה בפוסט שכתבה עבור משרדנו, העוסק בתחום המעסיק משרדי עו”ד רבים, בדגש על הבינוניים

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